Have someone who loves Mister Rogers? Throw them an adorable Mister Rogers Birthday Party!
When I was a toddler my two favorite shows were Mister Rogers and Johnny Carson. What can I say, my Dad worked 2nd shift and didn’t get home until late. I was not a good napper (sorry Mom), but I would sit still and watch Mister Rogers.
Mister Rogers Birthday Party
I loved when Mister Rogers would visit the Neighborhood of Make-Believe with the Trolley. Daniel Tiger, King Friday, Queen Sara Saturday, Prince Tuesday, Lady Elaine, Grandpère, and all the other puppets. Or when neighbors would stop by to visit like Mister McFeely, Lady Aberlin, and Neighber Aber. Who could forget the visits to see how crayons and trumpets are made.
I love that my niece is a Mister Rogers fan now. It made the perfect theme for her birthday party! Put together some custom cookies, macarons, fruit trays and get ready to host your own Mister Rogers Birthday Party.
Mister Rogers Cookies
We used our 3-D printer to design and print some custom cookies for the birthday party. We needed cookies shaped like a crown (for our puppet friends King Friday, Queen Sara, and Prince Tuesday), a Trolley, a Speedy Delivery sign, and a sweater. (This isn’t the first time I’ve used my 3D printer to make cookies! Check out these Ampersand Cookies.)
Use your favorite sugar cookie recipe, cut out your Mister Rogers cookies, frost them, and enjoy.
While the cookies were delicious on their own they also made perfect toppers for our cupcakes.
The cupcakes even had a special surprise inside! Cake balls. Make the cake balls first (bake them slightly underdone.) Then drop them into your cupcake batter and bake your cupcakes.
The birthday girl got her own cake. A little bigger than the cupcakes, she got a mini bundt cake frosted and topped with some of our Mister Rogers cookies and Macarons.
Daniel Tiger Macarons
Decorated French Macarons that look like Daniel Tiger and Owl were big hits, just look how cute they are. Fun for kids and the adults. Filled with lemon curd these were amazing.
Want more birthday party ideas? Throw an enchanting Narwhal Birthday Party
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