My middle sister and I share a lot of favorite shows. One of them is the dance show So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). Last week my middle sister treated me to the So You Think You Can Dance tour!
We’re big fans of the show and this is the 3rd year in a row that she’s taken me to the tour. We always make our own shirts. This year we made applique shirts
Here we are wearing our shirts and waiting for the show to start
There are the dancers! This was a Gene Kelly tribute number
Also on tour? Matthew! I was so happy when they performed the “Titanic” dance
And after the show we made our way to our usual spot to meet the dancers!
Here I am waiting (and a little giddy)
We met all of the other dancers as well, and got everyone’s autograph. (I didn’t want to get too picture heavy so you’ll have to ask for other dancers specifically.)
We ended up next to this sign in the autograph line and a couple of the dancers signed it as well. (Will wrote “Hi”, Eliana drew a heart, and Chehon signed his name.)
Thanks middle sister for a great time!
Ooh, Tyson and I might try to go with y’all next year. We’ve been thinking about going to see a live show for a couple of years now, but didn’t end up doing it. We started watching SYTYCD in the very first season and still watch it every season.
It’s so much fun!