This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. #NameBubblesB2School
Summer just started, but back-to-school will be here before you know it! Get things in order and stay organized for back to school with these tips.
You may struggle with helping your kids with chemistry or calculus, but getting organized doesn’t have to be that difficult. This year say no more to lost jackets and missing lunchboxes. Personalized name labels from Name Bubbles will help you get organized, avoid mix-ups, and stay far away from the lost-and-found.
Wherever your kids go, school, sports practice, or camp, labeling their gear with custom name stickers keeps it coming back home day after day. And these are for kids of all ages. Kids are quick to grab a backpack or water bottle if it looks remotely like theirs. You invest a lot into school supplies and clothes for your kids. So whether your kid is starting kindergarten or headed to their senior year in high school, a custom sticker keeps everything organized.
Best of all, Name Bubbles labels come in several shapes and sizes for all their school needs, plus they are waterproof and laundry safe. That means these labels stick around for as long as you need them to. You can even easily make custom labels and designs!
5 Ways to Get Organized for Back-to-School
When it comes to preparation and getting organized, a little goes a long way. Take steps now to avoid the crunch and stress of back to school madness later.
Organize Your Backpack
Start with an empty backpack. The first step to organizing your backpack is completely emptying it out. If you’re using a brand new backpack for the upcoming school year, it’s already empty, but if you’re reusing one from last year there is a chance there are loose papers, pencils, or other items floating around inside your backpack.
Organize Your Devices
Laptops aren’t just for college students anymore. Over the past year in particular, students of all ages depended on technology devices to get through the school day. Many campuses have BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) guidelines in place so students can bring computers, smart phone, tablets, or other technology devices with them to school. Frequently these devices look alike, so it’s important for students to label any and all technology components brought to school. Adding a custom name label to your devices helps keep you covered when it comes to these bigger-ticket items.
Organize Your School Supplies
In many classrooms there are some supplies that are shared and some that stay with each student. Students often need to keep up with pencil boxes, folders, and other school supplies that are assigned to them. Labeling your school supplies means your child will always know which items belong to them. They also help teachers return any misplaced items!
Organize Your School Clothing
Your student may not need a label inside of every article of clothing they own. But do they have a jacket they like to wear inside the cold classroom, but that also gets discarded as soon as they head outside? These are the articles of clothing most likely to end up in the lost-and-found. Save yourself some hassle and frustration by adding a peel and stick clothing label to the inside of the jacket or sweatshirt. Plus, no need to remove the sticker before you wash or dry. Clothing labels are durable, waterproof, and laundry safe.
Organize Your Lunch Box and Water Bottle
Opening your lunch box to realize you grabbed the wrong one is a surefire way to spoil anyone’s appetite. If you are packing more than one lunch each day, then personalized labels are a great way to keep everyone’s lunches organized and make sure everyone grabs the right lunch as they head out the door. Additionally, if your student has an allergy or a nutritional restriction, keeping their lunch labeled is a great way to make sure they are getting the right meal each day.
From elementary school friendly lunch boxes to high school students and their favorite Hydroflask, name labels are perfect for these hard wearing items. Press-and-stick waterproof labels are durable and dishwasher safe. They can even go through the microwave and get tossed into the freezer. Simply put, they are going to stick around.
Are you ready to Stay Organized for Back to School? Head over Name Bubbles now to start designing your labels!
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