Whip up a bunch of stars to celebrate the holiday!
Is it really a holiday if I don’t crochet something to celebrate? At my house, no. Part of getting into the holiday spirit is crocheting something holiday related.
I’ve made a lot of crochet stars over the years. Mostly they are based on the same technique as a granny square. But for these stars I tried something new, a puff stitch center.
I just love the way the puff stitches make their own star center. So when it was time to crochet some new stars I knew I wanted to incorporate that same puff stitch center.
Once you have crocheted up a bunch of stars they are perfect to use for decorating. String some together for a garland. Hang them on a tree. Put them on sticks and place them in a mason jar. There are lots of ways to use crochet stars to decorate!
Some of my favorite yarn bombs have been made using crochet stars. I’ve hung them on bushes and strung them up around trees. Share the crochet holiday love!
Hi, Julie,
Thank you for the puff stitch crochet star.
These I’ll crochet in a garland for my Christmas tree.
Also as gifts for my Knit and Crochet Group. We meet
every Friday at Kahala Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Again, thank you for going that “extra mile.”
Mahalo (Thank you in Hawaiian).
I love fhese. I can see using these as as ornaments and gift tags on presents!!