Have a sweet new baby to crochet for? Make them a vintage inspired crochet baby bonnet
From hosting a baby shower to attending as a guest it seems like there have been quite a few babies recently for me to make gifts for. I’ve made many different styles of baby hats over the years but I got a special request to try a bonnet rather than a traditional hat. I looked at quite a few for inspiration before stitching this one up.
One of the things that I loved about several of the hats was the puff stitch center that I saw. I knew the bonnet I made needed that center. From the center is a round of V stitches and then a couple rounds of double crochet stitches. After the double crochet rounds are two rounds with a combination of V-stitches and shell stitches. The last round is shell stitches.
To create the bonnet shape after the first round of double crochet stitches you only crochet around part way before turning and then working the rest of the bonnet in rows, rather than rounds. The ties were made by chain stitches and then slipping back up those stitches as you work the final rows.
And I was thrilled when I got this photo of my niece modeling her new bonnet. This bonnet is a newborn size, perfect for those first few weeks. And could make a fun addition to newborn baby photos.
I picked a very neutral linen colored yarn for the bonnet that I crocheted. I liked the simplicity and that it highlighted the stitches of the hat, but of course you could make the bonnet in any color. And if you wanted to increase the size I would go up a crochet hook size. My finished hat was 5 inches from top to bottom and 4 1/2 inches from front to back when folded.
A bonnet makes a sweet baby gift!
Hi There,
How do I increase the size of the bonnet for different ages?
Hi, Rachel! I would start by increasing the size of the crochet hook. I used a fairly small size compared to the yarn I used to get a newborn sized bonnet.