All opinions are my own. #ConquerBedwetting
In a house with three sons potty-training has not been my favorite part of motherhood. Not even close. All of my boys fought it. And all of them were ‘older’ before they were potty trained. Littlest might have been the most frustrating because he knew at an earlier age how to go to the potty, he just didn’t want to do it.
Even after they were potty trained during the day, learning to stay dry overnight was another adventure. The twins, in particular, struggled with sleep walking at night when they needed to go to the bathroom. They would typically go around the same time each night, and I would have to stay up and help guide them to the bathroom. I’ve learned a lot since potty training my three boys, like boys are much more likely to struggle with bedwetting than girls. But I’m also surprised sometimes by what I’m still learning.
Here are my top 6 Tips To Conquer Bedwetting
#1. Offer Praise
Offer praise when your child makes progress. Whether it’s waking up to use the bathroom, having a dry night, or anything else. Also, don’t scold them when they have an accident. Help them understand it’s not their fault.
#2. Make a Chart
Does your child tend to go to the bathroom at the same time each night? I learned with the twins that they generally needed to go to the bathroom at the same time each night. Sometimes they would wake up/sleepwalk to the bathroom. Sometimes I needed to help guide them to the bathroom. And sometimes I needed to wake them up to help them to not have an accident. But the key was to learn when at night they needed to go.
#3. Limit liquids before bed
This was the key with Littlest. He is a very hydrated child. Even now he likes to have a cup available to him at all times. But that made it very difficult when we were trying to potty train. Even when we would make him go to the bathroom right before bed he would still have accidents. Cutting back his liquids after bedtime made a huge difference with helping him learn to stay dry overnight.
#4. Make sure they are going #2 enough
This was something that I learned later when one of the kids was having bladder control problems. He was constipated! And, I learned, that severe constipation can cause daytime and nighttime accidents.
#5. Read a book
We love to read books. For a child struggling with bedwetting try reading Sal the Sasquatch Conquers Bedwetting with them. This is a printable book that your child can really make theirs. And once you’re done reading they can color all the different Sal the Sasquatch coloring pages: Hiding, Splashing, and Super pose. Also, pick up a box of Pampers UnderJams at Walmart to use with your child.
#6. Check with your doctor
Family history, UTI’s, and other issues could be a factor in why, especially an older child, is struggling with bedwetting. Talk to your pediatrician to rule out any medical issues.
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