What are your travel plans for this year? Whether you stay close to home or travel far, here are 5 tips for traveling well! Catch up with part one: packing light (here) and part two: travel essentials (here) 1. Plan Smarter not Harder With some wise planning you can maximize your valuable vacation time, and lessen the impact taken on your body. Set yourself up for success by … [Read more...]
Traveling Tips with Kara: Travel Essentials
Did you miss part one of Kara's Traveling tips and essentials? Check that out here I alluded to my "travel essentials" in my last Travel Tips post. Here I will reveal my vacation must-haves. Probably the priority on the forefront of everyone's minds as they travel is safety: keeping money, passports, valuables, and selves safe. By far my favorite item I had with me on my trip was my … [Read more...]
Traveling Tips with Kara: Packing light
My sister Kara and her husband love to travel. Europe, India, Asia. They've visited each of those continents in the last couple of years. With summer quickly approaching It's a good time for her to give us some Traveling Tips and Tricks. Skyler (my husband) and I just went on a week long trip to Morocco and only took two backpacks. And not a backpacking backpack, but the regular, … [Read more...]