That is me, at the very top on the left. Three stories up, getting ready to go on the zip line. And on the right, that's the view from the top. Memorial Day weekend marks the start of the summer season. The kids technically still have a couple weeks of school left, but visions of swimming pools and sleeping late are dancing in all of our heads. I got a jump start to the summer season, along … [Read more...]
Camping at Possum Kingdom Lake
Last weekend we were able to take the kids for a quick weekend camping trip at Possum Kingdom Lake. This was Littlest's first camping adventure, and even longer since I've been camping with the boys. We left Friday after work and school, so it was dark when we arrived. Thankfully we were able to get everything set up quickly and then everyone fell asleep. Saturday we were up with the sun ready … [Read more...]
Let’s see the world
I love to travel. I don't get to do it nearly as often as I'd like to, but seeing new places and eating new foods really is one of my favorite things. So I was pretty excited when Personal Creations sent me this world travel map. The map comes with a box of four different kinds of pins. There is a key on the bottom right hand side of the map that explains the different pinsRed … [Read more...]