The baby loves to push the shopping cart.
The first time we discovered this we were at Target. He was tired of sitting in the cart and wanted to walk. So I got him out and took his hand to walk with me. He was not interested in holding hands though. He yanked his away and bent down and started pushing the cart. My pretty full (pretty heavy) cart and he was pushing it! I don’t always let him get out of the cart, only if there is another adult with me, because occasionally he gets distracted and tries to wander off. But watching him push the cart around is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.
Garrett loves doing that, too! That’s so cute! He wants to be just like you and push that heavy cart.
I’ve learned never (NEVER) to let my sister’s children out of the cart until they are about three and I can beat them in public if they don’t listen without looking too mean.