This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #JustACallAway #CollectiveBias
Two kids in two different public schools. That’s our elementary school on the left and the middle school on the right. And Oldest Twin is doing homeschool again this year. During the day all of my boys are spread out. I’m still getting used to it.
Littlest started Kindergarten on Monday. He was nervous but also incredibly excited. So excited that I couldn’t get any decent first day of kindergarten photos of him because he was too wiggly and they all turned out blurry. His favorite color is green so he got a bright green backpack and we found some ‘cool’ shoes with bits of lime green on them as well. His school has a uniform where he has to wear navy or white collared shirts each day, so I was glad we were able to sneak in his favorite color in his accessories. (And I only bought navy shirts. Sending him to school in a white shirt seemed like an invitation for disaster.)
This is the first time that Littlest is spending any significant amount of time away from me each day. To calm everyone’s nerves (mine included) he knows that Mommy has the phone number for his school in her phone, and his teacher has Mommy’s phone number written on a form in his classroom in case we ever need to talk to each other during the day. He also knows my phone is never far from where I am.
He has been so talkative when he comes home each day. He tells me all about what centers he did, who he ate lunch with, what extra things they did (PE or music), and how much fun recess is. He gives me a full account each afternoon when I pick him up from school. Knowing he is having such a good time at school, and already thriving, makes being apart a little easier.
Elementary school starts a full hour before middle school does. Which means elementary school also gets out over an hour before middle school does. I drove Youngest Twin to and from school each day last year, but we do live far enough away that he can ride the bus. Our deal this year is that Youngest Twin rides the bus to school and then I pick him up. The bus conveniently picks him up just across the street from our apartment. And if there is ever a problem he can just call and tell me.
He can also call and hound me if I’m not in my ‘spot’ after school to pick him up. Occasionally I have been known to be late to things. He is allowed to bring his cell phone to school with him, it just has to be off unless they have permission to use their technology (they can also bring tablets other devices. There’s a list.)
This year Youngest Twin has his very own Walmart Family Mobile phone. I love that not only can he call me if he needs something, but I can get ahold of him if I need to. We’re also big fans of the unlimited talk, text, and data plan. He can jam on his phone while he’s riding the bus to school each day. And I can plan my budget because I know exactly how much his phone bill will be every month, no overage surprises. The Walmart Family Mobile service is $29.88/month (for the first line) Unlimited Talk, Text & Data (which includes up to 1G of 4G LTE data).
Right now you can grab the LG Leon LTE for $79.82 (Rollback from $99.82) or the ZTE Zinger for $19.88 (was $29.88). Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to or your local Walmart for current pricing.
I have shared with you how I’m just a phone call away from my family. Who will you need to connect with when heading back-to-school and how can Walmart Family Mobile help you? Leave a comment and let me know!
my kids are almost old enough that we may be looking into phones for them soon.
What a stressful situation and when you add after school activities I think making sure every one can communicate is a great idea!
You’ve got quite a rotation for drop-off’s and pick-up’s. I’m sure it is a relief for you and your children to know that the other can be reached so effortlessly.
You are lucky he is so talkative when he comes home! It is like pulling teeth to know ANYTHing about school with my daughter!
I can understand why children these days actually need a phone for emergency purposes. Some schools won’t let them bring them inside which is kind of understandable as well considering everything else these kids can do on those phones these days.
It’s so nice when you can stay connected even at long distances. This is really helpful when the family schedule is hectic!
I’m so glad that you are still connected with your teen and kid. This is very useful.
Wow! This is a great option when the kiddos are old enough to have their own phones! I love that you can control the bill and usage!
Is it TOO early to get my kindergartner a phone? Hee hee, I’m just kidding. My littlest one is all too excited, I can’t believe how much time has flown that it’s time for her to start school. My teens are always on their phones, and love that they can text me at any given moment to remind me, ask me, beg me, etc. Walmart Family Mobile has been very good to our family.