One of the nice things about making a gold pumpkin is how nicely it transitions from Halloween decor to Thanksgiving decorating. It fits in perfectly with my new “give thanks” banner.
It’s easy to get swept up in the rush of fall holidays. Teaching my kids, and myself, to slow down and remember to be thankful is something we are always working on. What better then, than a banner to remind us to “give thanks”. I chose three different colored (and textured) papers for this banner. I sized my acorns so that I could cut out four tops and four bottoms in each color. Then I mixed and matched the colors.
I got the acorn outline from here.
Cute and simple! Just the way I like decor! 😉
I’d love for you to share your awesome at my Show Me Saturday linky party this weekend. We go live each Saturday at 7:00am EST. My readers would love this!
~ Ashley
Thanks, Ashley! I’ll head over to your blog this weekend 🙂