Eggshell crafts are perfect for Easter! Make eggshell terrariums, candles, and planters.
Crack open an eggshell for the cutest Easter idea ever! This Easter make some easy, inexpensive, and pretty, egg-based crafts using materials you probably already have around your home.
These three eggshell crafts are perfect for spring or Easter decorating. But they can also be fun year round.
The first step is to prepare the eggs.
For my three different projects I needed to crack my eggs two different ways:
- Eggshell Terrariums– crack the center of the egg
- Eggshell Candles and Eggshell Planters– crack off the top part of the egg
For all the eggs I stored the inside portion in a container to cook with them.
Once the eggs were cracked and empty I rinsed them out. Then I put the eggshells in a pot filled with water and briefly boiled them. This made sure to get out any residue that simply rinsing the eggs missed.
Eggshell Terrariums
For the eggshell terrariums I used a pair of scissors to enlarge the opening of each egg. I also used a push pin to create a small hole at the top of each egg. I was able to put a piece of jute twine through the hole to create a hanger for my eggshell terrarium.
Then it was time to decorate the inside of my eggshell terrarium. Since these were for Easter I went with a nest theme. I put some crinkle paper in the bottom of the egg to act as a nest.
Then I added some small colorful eggs and bright yellow chicks in different combinations.
I used hot glue to secure the items inside my eggshell terrariums.
Then I could hang my finished eggshell terrarium ornaments on my Easter tree. Which is simply some sticks from my yard spray painted off white and placed in a pail filled with decorative rocks.
Eggshell Crafts
For our eggshell crayons I used wax from crayons. We have a huge bag of crayons and I went through and pulled out different color combinations to make my candles. Hues of blues, pinks, and greens were my main inspirations.
I started by peeling the crayons and breaking them into smaller pieces. Then I microwaved the broken pieces in paper cups on 50% power for a minute at a time until they were melted and I could pour them.
I did purchase some wicks at the craft store that I used for my eggshell candles. I simply placed the wick into the eggshell and then poured in my melted crayon wax. Viola! Small votive candles in the colors of your choice.
My last eggshell craft were eggshell planters. These could be done a few ways. Fill each eggshell with soil. Then you can plant seeds, water them, and wait for the plants to grow. From there you can transfer the plants to an outdoor garden. Simply break the eggshell as you place it in the ground for the plant to keep growing.
You can also use the eggshell planted to hold some of your favorite blooms.
All of my eggshell crafts were inspired by a gift I received as a little girl. My Mom got to go on her first trip to Europe and of course she came home with gifts for me and my sister. One of my gifts was a gorgeous painted egg. We kept the egg safe on a high shelf and I would admire it. It was so beautiful. While I has seen many beaufitul painted eggs since then, that was the first.
Want to watch me make these eggshell crafts live? See the video!
Looking for more Easter Egg crafts? Make these Galaxy Easter Eggs!
Great ideas