I probably am starting to sound like a broken record, but I love social media. Facebook, Blogging, Twitter, it all makes me happy. Yesterday I posted a little bit about my newest obsession Pinterest (and I’m so happy they have an iPhone app now).
Today I am going to, again, talk about how much I love Twitter. I got a tweet the other day that made me smile. “Is it weird that I have never met two of my favorite people? @CocoandCocoa & @neavesthebeast are the #Best Friends I have never met”
I feel the same way. And for people who don’t get it, it’s hard to explain. That feeling you get when you meet someone and you just click. There haven’t been many talking conversations (actually just one I think) but when people are genuine I think it translates.
Which is how I came to make this hat for the niece of someone that I have never met. (But hope to soon!)
I shook things up a little with this hat by putting the flower on a clip so that it’s removable. The hat can be worn with the flower, without the flower, and the flower can be worn on it’s own. I like versatility.
LOVE that hat, and that uncle of the niece must be way lucky to know you, and definitely wants to meet you too!