This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #KYTrySomethingNew #CollectiveBias
You know the saying about not missing something until it’s gone? That’s me and date night. For years we didn’t have regular date nights. Young kids and trying to get babysitters and all that jazz. We do have lots of family nearby that is more than willing to help with the kids, but I hate asking them to babysit all the time. About a year ago, once the twins were teenagers, we started making a weekly date night a priority. And now I look forward to it every week! It’s a time where we get to hang out together without being ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ all the time.
The majority of the time date nights are spontaneous. We have plenty of dining and entertainment options within walking distance of our apartment, so it’s easy to just head out for whatever we are in the mood for. But sometimes I have a specific dinner or movie in mind. And with the weather cooling off it’s finally perfect for evening walks and patio dinners again. Instead of just announcing my date night plans I put together a date night gift card basket. I picked up gift cards for dinner, a movie, and dessert and tucked them each into their own DIY gift card holder. Put them all in a basket together, along with a bottle of K-Y® LOVE Passion Pleasure Gel and you’ve got date night covered.
I made three different paper gift card folders: pillow box, heart envelope, and origami card holder. Don’t worry, I’m going to show you how to make each one. Starting with the origami card holder. You’ll need a 9″x9″ sheet of paper. You can use scrapbook paper, gift wrap, origami paper, whatever you’ve got on hand. I used a sheet of scrapbook paper.
- Place the paper with the pattern side down. Fold the sheet in half vertically and open it back up.
- Fold the left and right edges inward to meet the center fold.
- Open the paper. Fold in each corner so that the points touch the nearest crease.
- Fold the left and right flaps back to the center.
- Turn the paper over. Fold the top down.
- Fold the bottom up. Tuck in the bottom edge as they should overlap slightly.
Ta-da! Origami gift card holder. (Also works as a business card holder.)
The next DIY gift card holder is the heart envelope. Start with an 8 1/2″ by 11″ sheet of paper and cut the largest heart that you can out of it.
- Fold in the sides.
- Fold up the curved bottom.
- Fold down the pointed top.
You’ve got an envelope! Tuck in your gift card and use a fun sticker or glue dot to keep it closed.
Last but not least is a pillow-box gift card holder. Once again start with an 8 1/2″ by 11″ sheet of paper and print out the template on it. Cut along the dark lines and score the dotted lines to help you fold them better. Some glue dots will help keep everything together here as well, just make sure not to seal one of the ends. You want to be able to get the gift card out.
Once the gift cards are ready and wrapped don’t forget to pick up a bottle of K-Y® LOVE Sensuality Pleasure Gel or K-Y® LOVE Passion Pleasure Gel at Walmart in the family planning section.
Put everything in your basket and then get all dressed up for date night!
I’ve shared a fun way to plan some passion, now tell me, how will you plan for romance with your partner this fall?
These different package ideas are so cute! It would be fun to hide all different romantic gifts inside them. #client