Tonight there will be trick or treating.
Of course I waited until the last minute to get all the costumes and candy. Party City the day before Halloween is a busy place in case you were wondering. The candy section at Target is pretty busy, too.
But Oldest Twin took awhile to decide what he wanted to be (the other two did have their costumes).
The twins are going as Captain Kirk (Youngest Twin) and Spock (Oldest Twin). Littlest Brother will be an M&M. (I’m sure I’ll be posting pictures on Instagram if you want to see.)
Part of waiting until the day before Halloween to buy my candy was to help make sure I didn’t eat all of it before Halloween. Crisis averted.
And now with Halloween almost behind us I have an exciting announcement to share about the Crafty Thursday Obessions link party! We have a fun party planned for the month of November. I’ll share more details next week, but to get you ready, instead of a new linkup every week – there will be one linkup for the entire month. Of course you can still check back every Thursday for a reminder, as well as the linkup widget. The theme will be Thanksgiving and we want to see some amazing blog posts! Even if it’s from last year – come share it with us! We have some fun things planned to go with the month long link-up, including a contest with a prize for the winner!
There are some great posts here!
Thanks, Skye!!
Hope y’all have a Happy (and Safe) Halloween!!
We did 🙂 Thanks, Taylor! Hope yours was happy, too!